Great Video For Religious People
If you're religious, then you'd probably find this very inspirational. Good themes, good fitting music, and some nice ideas.
However, it's an immediate put off for somebody like me, who isn't religious. The message is kind of saying humans can't do anything without god, but for those of us who don't believe in any god, that's a pretty big insult.
It may end up that us humans are as worthless as we seem, or it may not, but to give into something like god just to feel good, is just as bad as living an immoral life. You should do as you do because it's right, because it makes sense. Not because of you love or fear some proclaimed all powerful being. You have nothing to support that action, you are running from life by creating excuses for yourself.
There is no logic in religion, it is something people turn to when they don't want to deal with reality.